Get a Cash Payment
For Your Solar Project

Magnolia Power Group has worked with numerous companies to add value to their Solar Power projects. These companies have received the benefits of Solar Power with an upfront cash infusion provided by Magnolia Power. We work with your Solar Power installer to bring you a better price on your Solar Power project that allows you to see the savings in the current fiscal year.

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How It Works

Who We Are

Magnolia Power Group is a company that specializes in helping solar Customers install Solar Power projects onto their properties. We are passionate about helping to get Solar Power projects built throughout the region by monetizing solar tax credits and depreciation schedules via power purchase agreements. We eliminate the complexities Customers experience in navigating how solar tax rebates work while allowing for non-profit Customers to access solar tax credits and depreciation schedules.


More on Solar Credits


More on Solar Credits


More on Solar Credits

How It Works?

Upload Project Estimate

Simply provide us with your solar project quote for your project.

Review Your Project

We will review your project and provide a solution with a proposal on the amount of cash savings we can provide.

Award Contract & Cash

When your project is complete we will fund the contracted value of your project.

Our Team

Derek Miller

Scott Lutz

Steve Auld

Phil Hoffert
Technical Expert/Consultant

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